Discounts on readers, kits, and services start at 25 test kits per month


Workplace series are low-cost, urine-based tests that can be used with or without a SmartReader.

Ideal for 5 to 12-panel testing

As low as $2.75 for 8-panel


Professional series are high-quality, secure urine-based tests that are interpreted by SmartReaders.

Ideal for 10 to 18-panel testing

As low as $4.95 for 16-panel


Oral Fluid series are low-cost, saliva-based tests that can be used with or without the digital reader.

Ideal for 5 to 14 panel testing

As low as $3.95 for 6-panel

Rapid test kit pricing is based on test type, specimen format, and monthly testing volume.

SmartReader™ Advanced - $29/mo

Include testing stand, Samsung tablet reader, and unlimited live support.

SmartReader digital reader and app/software: $29/mo

SmartReader™ Advanced comes with everything needed to run smart drug testing excluding the test kits. 

Sign up today and get:

  • For a limited time - Get a FREE wireless keyboard (not shown)
  • Smart digital reader hardware (tablet and folding stand)
  • Unlimited storage of users, locations, contacts, and result forms
  • Unlimited test kit scanning, interpretation, and recording
  • On-screen donor signature pads
  • Built-in ID & driver's license scanner
  • 24/7/365 live alert monitoring and support

SmartReader™ Advanced comes with a folding travel stand shown to the right. Stands are available in black, white, or blue (shown). Pro testing stands available as a substitution upon request.

The $29/mo license, in addition to the above, includes HIPPA compliant results storage, complete device management, Samsung Knox security and Zoho MDM. SmartReader™ Advanced  


SmartReader™ Professional - $99/mo

The all-new SmartReader™ Pro system is scheduled for release in October 2019

white SmartReader™ Pro testing stand

SmartReader™ Pro and app/software: $99/mo

In addition to all of the benefits of SmartReader™, Pro users get access to additional features and technologies.

SmarReader™ Pro includes:

  • Client portal - set up your customers with their own log-in to their results and invoice from you.
  • Invoicing add-on - create customers, set pricing and manager their invoices.
  • White label - add your logo to your web dashboard, client portals, and result forms.
  • Pro result management - real-time access to result form transmissions. View and verify results were delivered.
  • Straight to lab testing - collect samples and send them directly to the lab using the paperless SmartReader system. (DOT coming soon).
  • FREE Certification - Pro users unlimited FREE SmartReader Certification for all registered users.

SmartReader™ Pro stand available in black, white (shown), or blue.

Contact us at (877) 868-9967 for more information
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