You have to see SmartReader™ in action to understand how fast, versatile, accurate and simple it is to use.

SmartReader Works with

Urine & Saliva test kits

SmartReader™ works with a variety of Smart Screens™ approved rapid test kits. Both urine and oral fluid test kits are available. SmartReader™ offers up to seven different tests for opiates.  

starting as low as $2.75 each

SmartReader creates professional result forms

Professional Results in seconds

Instantly turn pre-run rapid test kits into professional result forms. Results can be set up to email automatically at the end of each test, increasing the efficiency of your testing program.

Professional result forms are emailed within seconds of scanning a test kit. Most results received within 60-seconds


Complete the form for program details and pricing.

Want pricing information or an official quote?

For more information about SmartReader or other Smart Screens products, call us at:

(877) 868.9967

Contact us at (877) 868-9967 for more information
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